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in Javascript API by (120 points)

Hello Everyone: @ BPM Guys, 

I need a support in a POC of IBM BPM from the community, below are the requirements that needs to be achieve: 

  •   Connection with extrernal host/server using script in BPM BPD service
    share any sample script for that ?
  • Execute some shell script commands after the authentication from code side in BPM. 
    below is the sample command: 

 <!--[endif]-->tabcmd export "ARRAZIARRAZI-VDashboard/SensorPlotDashboard?Sensor%20Name%20-%20running_feedback&Model=Fan%20NDE%20Bearing" --png --width 1900 --height 800  -f "C:\AHC_Alert.png"

Please share guidelines if there are any way arounds to achieve this in IBM BPM. 
This can be done easily from the other frameworks or tools (i.e. DOT NET, C#) but I need to do the same using IBM BPM process/service. 

I would appreciate for the prompt response from the community gurus. 

Thanks & Regards,

Imtiaz Ahmed  

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