Hi. You can configure a chain of user task T1, T2, T3, ecc. (typically with an implementation type as human service) in a way which does not require the normal pick-claim-execute set of activity (with potentially a different user for each "pick"), but something like:
- User A pick the task T1 and execute and close the task
- The task T2 is automatically assigned to the same User A (the task is automatically presented on Process Portal, or the "nextTaskId" value is returned in case of REST API to terminate the task T1 from an external application). User A execute and close the task
- The task T3 is automatically assigned to the same user A, ecc. ecc.
To create this kind of configuration for a set of (for example) three task T1, T2 and T3 you must:
- Set on T1 and T2 the attribute "Automatically flow to next task"
- Set on T2 and T3 an assignment of "Lane/Last User" (and not, as for example in T1, of type "Last/None")
Note that if the time required by the BPM to move the token from the closing of a task (after all the "long" user activities on the task, obviously...) to the activation of the next task is greater than the value of the "autoflow-timeout" (3 seconds by default) the autoassign chain will be interrupted by the system (from a REST API point of view the parameter nextTaskId is no more present in the result data returned by the task finish API...).