We can construct a URL with the credentials embedded in the URL as follows
https://{hostname}:{port}/teamworks/redirect-login.jsp?credentials={EncodedUserName}:{EncodedPassword}=&j_forward=executeServiceByName%3FprocessApp={ProcessAppAcronym}%26serviceName={Service Name}
The EncodedPassword and EncodedUserName can be created by running the following utility
- From a command prompt, go to the install_root/BPM/Lombardi/lib directory.
- Run the java -cp utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword password command, where password is the password that you want to encrypt.
The use of encoded username and password is controlled through 00Static.xml via the following line
<encode-redirect-url-credentials merge="replace">true</encode-redirect-url-credentials>
if you need to you can make use of clear text username and password also by changing the above to false.