You will define a service in the coach view and create equivalent config options as per the default service inputs, in the load behaviour section code similar to this will work
The areas highlighted in bold will be specific to your implementation, the number of inputs should match the number of service inputs and param identifiers should be exact else service call will fail, in var input we are basically defining an array of inputs with labels and values
var _this = this;
var input = {RESTAPIUsername: this.context.options.RESTAPIUsername.get("value"), RESTAPIPassword: this.context.options.RESTAPIPassword.get("value"), EnvironmentHostname: this.context.options.EnvironmentHostname.get("value"), EnvironmentPort: this.context.options.EnvironmentPort.get("value")};
var serviceArgs = {
params: JSON.stringify(input),
load: function(data) {
console.log("service returned: ", data);
require(["dojo/_base/url"], function(url) {
//Do something you want wi the data heree by using data.someparam notation e.g. here we are setting the image data to a html string and updating the binding
var imghtml = "<img alt='Embedded Image' src='data:image/png;base64," + data.imagedata + " ' />"
_this.context.binding.set("value", imghtml);
error: function(e) {console.log("service call failed: ", e);}