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TS    Task Service A service that directly implements an activity. Such a serviceis responsible for coordinating a whole task for a user/system.
CS Coach Service A service that implements a single coach. It is generally recommended that a service not have more than a single coach in it.
Init  A service that provides specific initialization functionality for the parent service for which its named
Action A service that provides specific post-action functionality for the parent service for which its named
ES Event Service A service that is used specifically to invoke an Event Driven UCA
EI Event Implementer A service that directly implements an Event Driven UCA
BS Batch Service A service that directly implements a Batch/Chron driven UCA
US Utility Service A service that implements some piece of utility functionality (such as text parsing for valid email format, etc)
WS WebService Service A service that directly implements a Teamworks hosted WebService
IS Integration Service A service whose specific purpose it is to wrap a Teamworks Integration connector
DAS Data AccessService A service whose specific purpose it is to get some data from inside (EPV properties) or outside (DB, LDAP) TeamWorks

These were the Lombardi recommended acronyms, as it is evident from the descriptions some of them are no longer applicable and also there was no categorization or tagging back then and the acronyms made more sense, but I have seen they are still in use in certain projects.

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