All User Exposure Service | 2 | 5 | TWProcess | |
| Hard Coded JNDI Name | 2 | 5 | TWProcess | |
| Non-Ending HHS/CSHS | 2 | 4 | TWProcess | |
| Too many steps in a service flow | 2 | 5 | TWProcess | |
| String Concatenation | 3 | 3 | Script | |
| Missing CV Localizations | 3 | 1 | ResourceBundleGroup | |
| Pre/Post of Start and Exit Points | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| No Notes in BPD | 3 | 1 | BPD | |
| Deprecated in Process Label Description | 3 | 2 | TWProcess | |
| Link Name Untitled1-n | 3 | 1 | TWProcess | |
| Too Many Pre Post Defined Service | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Default Labels for Process Steps | 3 | 2 | TWProcess | |
| Junk Managed Asset uploaded but not saved | 3 | 3 | ManagedAsset | |
| Junk CSHS File created but not saved due to WebPD error PO_NAME 64 char | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| CSHS marked Nested but not used as nested | 3 | 4 | TWProcess | |
| PO Count Too Large Split into multiple applications/toolkits | 3 | 3 | Application/Model | |
| Mix of CSHS and HHS | 3 | 3 | Application/Model | |
| Local floating copies of Controls | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Mixed usage of dojo, jquery and DOM methods | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Controls event handlers not leveraged | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Coaches without validation handlers | 3 | 1 | Coach | |
| Mixed usage of responsive and non-responsive coach views | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Coaches used without templates | 3 | 1 | Coach | |
| Javascript alert messages | 3 | 2 | CoachView | |
| Wrong type of bound data | 3 | 1 | Coach | |
| Coach View services defined but not used | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| CSS define after JS (js may be dependent on css) | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Combine multiple css files | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Combine multiple JS files | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Conflicting DOM ids - non-usage of $$viewDOMID$$ | 3 | 2 | CoachView | |
| Usage of lifecycle view() in Load | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Usage of lifecycle change() as event handler | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Unused ENV | 3 | 1 | EnvironmentVariableSet | |
| Unused EPV | 3 | 1 | EPV | |
| Regular Coach View Defined as a template | 3 | 2 | CoachView | |
| Not implemented Boundary Event checked | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Resource Bundle linked but not used | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| ENV linked but not used | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| EPV linked but not used | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Hard Coded Coach Views labels | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Coach View without preview HTML/JS Snipped | 3 | 2 | CoachView | |
| Hidden Coach Views in CSS/HHS | 3 | 1 | Coach | |
| Duplicate CSS class declaration | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Ajax calls without Error Handler defined | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Use of Generics (ANY class) | 3 | 1 | TWClass | |
| Unused JS Functions | 3 | 1 | Script | |
| AMD dependencies defined but not used | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Business objects not needed and not nullified | 3 | 2 | BPD | |
| Duplicate js/css usage in Coach Views | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Style coach view (only css) | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Unwanted artificats (e.g. TODO, 2, "2 2" etc) | 3 | 1 | Application/Model | |
| Javascript set as AMD module but not used | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Unused Config Options in Coach Views | 3 | 3 | CoachView | |
| Serializer Usage | 3 | 2 | Script | |
| EPV and ENV usage without typecasting | 3 | 1 | Script | |
| Duplicate environment variables across Toolkits and Process App | 3 | 2 | Application/Model | |
| Non-standard XML parsing | 3 | 2 | Script | |
| Unused Toolkits | 3 | 3 | Application/Model | |
| Not used Resouce Bundles | 3 | 3 | ResourceBundleGroup | |
| Not used services | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Floating static resources | 3 | 1 | ManagedAsset | |
| Default values set for input variables | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Outdated toolkit versions | 3 | 3 | Application/Model | |
| No usage of Decision Services | 3 | 1 | Application/Model | |
| Validation Errors | 3 | 1 | TWProcess | |
| Insufficient Logging | 3 | 1 | TWProcess | |
| JS Code not indented | 3 | 1 | Script | |
| Governance Process not used | 3 | 1 | Application/Model | |
| Missing Error Handling Web Services | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Missing Error Handling DB/SQL Calls | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| General JS Bad Practices | 3 | 1 | Script | |
| Duplicate Managed Assets | 3 | 2 | ManagedAsset | |
| Naming Convention Check | 3 | 3 | ProcessVariable | |
| Polling pattern in Coach | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Complicated and Large Validation Logic | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| JS loaded as server file | 3 | 3 | ManagedAsset | |
| Dynamic WSDLs instead of static Local Copies | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| JavaScript Hard Codings | 3 | 2 | Script | |
| Excessive Logging | 3 | 3 | Script | |
| Customization of CSS without themes | 3 | 1 | CoachView | |
| Error Handlers without Human Service | 3 | 3 | TWProcess | |
| Large Toolkits | 3 | 2 | ProjectDependency | |
| Too many Toolkits | 3 | 3 | ProjectDependency | |
| Live Connect Usage | 3 | 2 | Script | |
| Thread.sleep Usage | 3 | 3 | Script | |
| Large Managed Assets | 3 | 2 | ManagedAsset | |
| Repeated JS Functions | 3 | 1 | Script | |
| Loops within Loops | 3 | 3 | Script | |
| Image Optimization | 3 | 2 | ManagedAsset | |
| CSS Minification | 3 | 2 | ManagedAsset | |
| Javascript Minification | 3 | 2 | ManagedAsset | |
| Code Quality Score of Application | | | Application/Model | |
| CSS Minification in zip file | | | ManagedAsset | |
| js minification in zip file | | | ManagedAsset | |
| Too Many Pre Post Defined BPD | | | BPD | |
| Unreachable Service Flow (Dead Code) | | | TWProcess | |
| Non Ending CSHS | | | TWProcess | |
| Validation Errors BPD | | | BPD | |
| Modified System Toolkits | | | ProjectDependency | |
| Wrong version of system toolkits inside attached toolkits | | | ProjectDependency | |
| Unimplemented Service only start and end | | | TWProcess | |
| Unimplemented BPD only start and end | | | TWProcess | |
| No steps service start->End |