EPV vs ENV/SERVER configuration
EPV - Exposed Process Value
ENV - Environment Variable
1. EPV can hold a variable of any type ENV is always a string
2. EPV is generally business data which needs to be injected altered runtime into a Process or service, ENV is as the name suggests
environment configuration variables/parameters e.g. WSDL URL, jndi Name, email distribution lists etc.
3. Both can be changed at runtime from Process Admin Console, though env variables are designed to be set with the code.
4. To change and EPV you need to schedule a time when the change gets effected.
5. EPV is not specific to the environment but ENV has multiple possible valies e.g. default, development, test, staging, production which gets
applied to the environemtn type.
6. SERVER configurations are an extension to ENVs specialized to be server confirations for SOAP endpoints, REST endpoints and ECM endpoints
7. usage/access
EPV value
get EPV at specified time
tw.local.myvar=String(tw.epv.maintenance.email.valueAt(newTWDate("2015-10-19 11:30:00.0")));
8. Update from javascript API
tw.epv.maintenance.email.update("abcd@abcd.com",new TWDate("2015-10-19 11:01:00.0"));
tw.env.update(tw.system.model.env.benefitservice, "
9. How to make available realtime in Coach View
You can do an ajax call/service call to a service which can retrieve the current value and return it.